I was born and raised close to the strong Rhine River at the western part of Germany. Started being influenced from my artistic parents
and neighborhood and academically I was toughed at an Art & Design University in Germany also besides and ended with a typical degree. I have also been teaching at University and
College Level in Germany and New York and at Private Art Schools for kids and adults for every age and level.
These are some of many galleries / museums, where my work have been presented and some publications awards listed over the last years:
TNC Gallery, New York - ART Nordic 2017, Copenhagen, Danmark - Gallery Kunstwerk Berlin - Galleri Pialeh, Frederiksberg, Danmark - Rotary Club Frederiksberg Metronomen,, Danmark - L. E.S., The 17th Annual Lower East Side Festival of the Arts , as only artist accepted worldwide outside from New York - “ Art & Antique Fair f“, Gallery Karl Schwarzer with Guenther Uecker,Duesseldorf, Germany - Museum Guild Hall, East Hampton, NY - Eickholt Gallery, New York - NY Arts Magazine, Article regarding my works “ Komposition “, New York - Gallery Marc Miller, New York - Gallery Hexagone, Aachen, Germany - First Prize at the German Competition - Art at Architecture - ,Jury Prof. W. Schmalenbach, Kunstsammlung NRW, Duesseldorf, Germany